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Marieke den Brinker

Department of Pediatrics

Division of Endocrinology and Division of Pediatric Intensive Care

Erasmus Medical Center--Sophia Children's Hospital

P.O. Box 2060



Name/email consistency: high



  • Department of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology and Division of Pediatric Intensive Care, Erasmus Medical Center--Sophia Children's Hospital, P.O. Box 2060, Netherlands. 2005
  • Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology, Room SP-3435, Netherlands. 2005


  1. Adrenal insufficiency in meningococcal sepsis: bioavailable cortisol levels and impact of interleukin-6 levels and intubation with etomidate on adrenal function and mortality. den Brinker, M., Joosten, K.F., Liem, O., de Jong, F.H., Hop, W.C., Hazelzet, J.A., van Dijk, M., Hokken-Koelega, A.C. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. Euthyroid sick syndrome in meningococcal sepsis: the impact of peripheral thyroid hormone metabolism and binding proteins. den Brinker, M., Joosten, K.F., Visser, T.J., Hop, W.C., de Rijke, Y.B., Hazelzet, J.A., Boonstra, V.H., Hokken-Koelega, A.C. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2005) [Pubmed]
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