Harriet S. Tenenhouse
The McGill University
Montreal Children's Hospital Research Institute
4060 Ste-Catherine St. West
Name/email consistency: low
- Disorders of renal tubular phosphate transport. Tenenhouse, H.S., Murer, H. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (2003)
- Novel phosphate-regulating genes in the pathogenesis of renal phosphate wasting disorders. Tenenhouse, H.S., Sabbagh, Y. Pflugers Arch. (2002)
- Na/P(i) cotransporter ( Npt2) gene disruption increases duodenal calcium absorption and expression of epithelial calcium channels 1 and 2. Tenenhouse, H.S., Gauthier, C., Martel, J., Hoenderop, J.G., Hartog, A., Meyer, M.H., Meyer, R.A., Bindels, R.J. Pflugers Arch. (2002)