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Michael Marmor

Department of Environmental Medicine

Center for AIDS Research

New York University School of Medicine

New York City



Name/email consistency: high



  • Department of Environmental Medicine, Center for AIDS Research, New York University School of Medicine, New York City, USA. 2000 - 2006
  • Department of Environmental Medicine, NYU School of Medicine, 650 First Avenue, Room 560, USA. 2006


  1. Slippery road conditions and fatal motor vehicle crashes in the northeastern United States, 1998-2002. Marmor, M., Marmor, N.E. Am. J. Public. Health (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. Resistance to HIV infection. Marmor, M., Hertzmark, K., Thomas, S.M., Halkitis, P.N., Vogler, M. J. Urban. Health (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. Coronary artery disease and opioid use. Marmor, M., Penn, A., Widmer, K., Levin, R.I., Maslansky, R. Am. J. Cardiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. Homozygous and heterozygous CCR5-Delta32 genotypes are associated with resistance to HIV infection. Marmor, M., Sheppard, H.W., Donnell, D., Bozeman, S., Celum, C., Buchbinder, S., Koblin, B., Seage, G.R. J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. (2001) [Pubmed]
  5. Drug injection rates and needle-exchange use in New York City, 1991-1996. Marmor, M., Shore, R.E., Titus, S., Chen, X., Des Jarlais, D.C. J. Urban. Health (2000) [Pubmed]
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