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Marc O. Maybauer

Department of Anesthesiology

The University of Texas Medical Branch and Shriners Burns Hospital for Children


Texas 77555-0591



Name/email consistency: high



  • Department of Anesthesiology, The University of Texas Medical Branch and Shriners Burns Hospital for Children, Galveston, Texas 77555-0591, USA. 2010 - 2012
  • Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Texas Medical Branch, 301 University Boulevard, USA. 2005 - 2010


  1. Combined recombinant human activated protein C and ceftazidime prevent the onset of acute respiratory distress syndrome in severe sepsis. Maybauer, M.O., Maybauer, D.M., Fraser, J.F., Westphal, M., Szabó, C., Cox, R.A., Hawkins, H.K., Traber, L.D., Traber, D.L. Shock (2012) [Pubmed]
  2. Recombinant human activated protein C attenuates cardiovascular and microcirculatory dysfunction in acute lung injury and septic shock. Maybauer, M.O., Maybauer, D.M., Fraser, J.F., Szabo, C., Westphal, M., Kiss, L., Horvath, E.M., Nakano, Y., Herndon, D.N., Traber, L.D., Traber, D.L. Crit. Care (2010) [Pubmed]
  3. Best vasopressor for advanced vasodilatory shock: should vasopressin be part of the mix? Maybauer, M.O., Walley, K.R. Intensive. Care. Med (2010) [Pubmed]
  4. Effects of manganese superoxide dismutase nebulization on pulmonary function in an ovine model of acute lung injury. Maybauer, M.O., Kikuchi, Y., Westphal, M., Maybauer, D.M., Nishida, K., Traber, L.D., Westphal-Varghese, B.B., Morita, N., Enkhbaatar, P., Herndon, D.N., Traber, D.L. Shock (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. Gentamicin improves hemodynamics in ovine septic shock after smoke inhalation injury. Maybauer, M.O., Maybauer, D.M., Traber, L.D., Westphal, M., Enkhbaatar, P., Morita, N., Jodoin, J.M., Heggers, J.P., Herndon, D.N., Traber, D.L. Shock (2005) [Pubmed]
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