Reimund Goss
Institute of Biology I
Plant Physiology
University of Leipzig
Johannisallee 21-23
Name/email consistency: high
- Regulation and function of xanthophyll cycle-dependent photoprotection in algae. Goss, R., Jakob, T. Photosyn. Res. (2010)
- The lipid dependence of diadinoxanthin de-epoxidation presents new evidence for a macrodomain organization of the diatom thylakoid membrane. Goss, R., Nerlich, J., Lepetit, B., Schaller, S., Vieler, A., Wilhelm, C. J. Plant Physiol. (2009)
- The synthesis of NPQ-effective zeaxanthin depends on the presence of a transmembrane proton gradient and a slightly basic stromal side of the thylakoid membrane. Goss, R., Opitz, C., Lepetit, B., Wilhelm, C. Planta (2008)
- The importance of grana stacking for xanthophyll cycle-dependent NPQ in the thylakoid membranes of higher plants. Goss, R., Oroszi, S., Wilhelm, C. Physiol. Plant (2007)
- Lipid dependence of diadinoxanthin solubilization and de-epoxidation in artificial membrane systems resembling the lipid composition of the natural thylakoid membrane. Goss, R., Latowski, D., Grzyb, J., Vieler, A., Lohr, M., Wilhelm, C., Strzalka, K. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2007)
- Evidence for a rebinding of antheraxanthin to the light-harvesting complex during the epoxidation reaction of the violaxanthin cycle. Goss, R., Lepetit, B., Wilhelm, C. J. Plant Physiol. (2006)
- The importance of a highly active and DeltapH-regulated diatoxanthin epoxidase for the regulation of the PS II antenna function in diadinoxanthin cycle containing algae. Goss, R., Ann Pinto, E., Wilhelm, C., Richter, M. J. Plant Physiol. (2006)
- Role of hexagonal structure-forming lipids in diadinoxanthin and violaxanthin solubilization and de-epoxidation. Goss, R., Lohr, M., Latowski, D., Grzyb, J., Vieler, A., Wilhelm, C., Strzalka, K. Biochemistry (2005)
- Substrate specificity of the violaxanthin de-epoxidase of the primitive green alga Mantoniella squamata (Prasinophyceae). Goss, R. Planta (2003)
- Organization of the pigment molecules in the chlorophyll a/b/c containing alga Mantoniella squamata (Prasinophyceae) studied by means of absorption, circular and linear dichroism spectroscopy. Goss, R., Wilhelm, C., Garab, G. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2000)