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Richard I. Farb

Department of Medical Imaging

Division of Neuroradiology

Toronto Western Hospital

University of Toronto



Name/email consistency: high



  • Department of Medical Imaging, Division of Neuroradiology, Toronto Western Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada. 2001 - 2009
  • Department of Medical Imaging, Toronto Western Hospital, Canada. 2003


  1. Cranial dural arteriovenous fistula: diagnosis and classification with time-resolved MR angiography at 3T. Farb, R.I., Agid, R., Willinsky, R.A., Johnstone, D.M., Terbrugge, K.G. AJNR. Am. J. Neuroradiol (2009) [Pubmed]
  2. The dural venous sinuses: normal intraluminal architecture defined on contrast-enhanced MR venography. Farb, R.I. Neuroradiology (2007) [Pubmed]
  3. The venous distension sign: a diagnostic sign of intracranial hypotension at MR imaging of the brain. Farb, R.I., Forghani, R., Lee, S.K., Mikulis, D.J., Agid, R. AJNR. Am. J. Neuroradiol (2007) [Pubmed]
  4. Surveillance of intracranial aneurysms treated with detachable coils: a comparison of MRA techniques. Farb, R.I., Nag, S., Scott, J.N., Willinsky, R.A., Marotta, T.R., Montanera, W.J., Tomlinson, G., Terbrugge, K.G. Neuroradiology (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. Intracranial venous system: gadolinium-enhanced three-dimensional MR venography with auto-triggered elliptic centric-ordered sequence--initial experience. Farb, R.I., Scott, J.N., Willinsky, R.A., Montanera, W.J., Wright, G.A., terBrugge, K.G. Radiology (2003) [Pubmed]
  6. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension: the prevalence and morphology of sinovenous stenosis. Farb, R.I., Vanek, I., Scott, J.N., Mikulis, D.J., Willinsky, R.A., Tomlinson, G., terBrugge, K.G. Neurology (2003) [Pubmed]
  7. Spinal dural arteriovenous fistula localization with a technique of first-pass gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography: initial experience. Farb, R.I., Kim, J.K., Willinsky, R.A., Montanera, W.J., terBrugge, K., Derbyshire, J.A., van Dijk, J.M., Wright, G.A. Radiology (2002) [Pubmed]
  8. Intracranial arteriovenous malformations: real-time auto-triggered elliptic centric-ordered 3D gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography--initial assessment. Farb, R.I., McGregor, C., Kim, J.K., Laliberte, M., Derbyshire, J.A., Willinsky, R.A., Cooper, P.W., Westman, D.G., Cheung, G., Schwartz, M.L., Stainsby, J.A., Wright, G.A. Radiology (2001) [Pubmed]
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