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Andrew Endre Czeizel

Foundation for the Community Control of Hereditary Diseases

Törökvész lejtő 32 1026

Budapest HungaryE-mail:


Name/email consistency: high



  • Foundation for the Community Control of Hereditary Diseases, Törökvész lejtő 32 1026, Budapest HungaryE-mail:. 2003 - 2011
  • Department of Human Genetics and Teratology, Foundation for the Community Control of Hereditary Diseases, National Centre for Epidemiology, Torokvesz Lejto 32, Hungary. 2001 - 2004


  1. Folic acid supplementation and risk reduction in preterm birth. Czeizel, A.E., Bánhidy, F. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (2011) [Pubmed]
  2. Possible association of folic acid supplementation during pregnancy with reduction of preterm birth: a population-based study. Czeizel, A.E., Puhó, E.H., Langmar, Z., Acs, N., Bánhidy, F. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. (2010) [Pubmed]
  3. The estimation of human teratogenic/fetotoxic risk of exposures to drugs on the basis of Hungarian experience: a critical evaluation of clinical and epidemiological models of human teratology. Czeizel, A.E. Expert. Opin. Drug. Saf (2009) [Pubmed]
  4. Periconceptional folic acid and multivitamin supplementation for the prevention of neural tube defects and other congenital abnormalities. Czeizel, A.E. Birth Defects Res. Part A Clin. Mol. Teratol. (2009) [Pubmed]
  5. Use of specified critical periods of different congenital abnormalities instead of the first trimester concept. Czeizel, A.E., Puhó, E.H., Acs, N., Bánhidy, F. Birth Defects Res. Part A Clin. Mol. Teratol. (2008) [Pubmed]
  6. Specified critical period of different congenital abnormalities: a new approach for human teratological studies. Czeizel, A.E. Congenit. Anom. (Kyoto) (2008) [Pubmed]
  7. Self-poisoning during pregnancy as a model for teratogenic risk estimation of drugs. Czeizel, A.E., Gidai, J., Petik, D., Timmermann, G., Puhó, E.H. Toxicol. Ind. Health (2008) [Pubmed]
  8. Delineation of a multiple congenital abnormality syndrome in the offspring of pregnant women affected with high fever-related disorders: a population-based study. Czeizel, A.E., Puhó, E.H., Acs, N., Bánhidy, F. Congenit. Anom. (Kyoto) (2008) [Pubmed]
  9. The use of data set of the Hungarian case-control surveillance of congenital abnormalities for evaluation of birth outcomes beyond birth defects. Czeizel, A.E., Puhó, E.H., Kazy, Z. Cent. Eur. J. Public Health (2007) [Pubmed]
  10. High fever-related maternal diseases as possible causes of multiple congenital abnormalities: a population-based case-control study. Czeizel, A.E., Puhó, E.H., Acs, N., Bánhidy, F. Birth Defects Res. Part A Clin. Mol. Teratol. (2007) [Pubmed]
  11. Inverse association between severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and some congenital abnormalities. Czeizel, A.E., Puhó, E., Acs, N., Bánhidy, F. Am. J. Med. Genet. A (2006) [Pubmed]
  12. No association between periconceptional multivitamin supplementation and risk of multiple congenital abnormalities: a population-based case-control study. Czeizel, A.E., Puhó, E.H., Bánhidy, F. Am. J. Med. Genet. A (2006) [Pubmed]
  13. A case-control study of congenital abnormality and dimenhydrinate usage during pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Vargha, P. Arch. Gynecol. Obstet. (2005) [Pubmed]
  14. Maternal use of nutritional supplements during the first month of pregnancy and decreased risk of Down's syndrome: case-control study. Czeizel, A.E., Puhó, E. Nutrition (2005) [Pubmed]
  15. Periconceptional clinics: a medical health care infrastructure of new genetics. Czeizel, A.E., Gasztonyi, Z., Kuliev, A. Fetal. Diagn. Ther. (2005) [Pubmed]
  16. Vaginal treatment with povidone--iodine suppositories during pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Kazy, Z., Vargha, P. Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet (2004) [Pubmed]
  17. Population-based case-control teratologic study of topical miconazole. Czeizel, A.E., Kazy, Z., Puhó, E. Congenit. Anom. (Kyoto) (2004) [Pubmed]
  18. Occupational epidemiological study of workers in an acrylonitrile using factory with particular attention to cancers and birth defects. Czeizel, A.E., Szilvási, R., Tímár, L., Puhō, E. Mutat. Res. (2004) [Pubmed]
  19. Tolnaftate spray treatment during pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Kazy, Z., Puhó, E. Reprod. Toxicol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  20. Possible association between different congenital abnormalities and use of different sulfonamides during pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Puhó, E., Sørensen, H.T., Olsen, J. Congenit. Anom. (Kyoto) (2004) [Pubmed]
  21. A population-based case-control study of oral chlordiazepoxide use during pregnancy and risk of congenital abnormalities. Czeizel, A.E., Rockenbauer, M., Sørensen, H.T., Olsen, J. Neurotoxicol. Teratol (2004) [Pubmed]
  22. A population-based case-control study of oral griseofulvin treatment during pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Métneki, J., Kazy, Z., Puho, E. Acta. Obstet. Gynecol. Scand (2004) [Pubmed]
  23. Preterm birth reduction after clotrimazole treatment during pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Fladung, B., Vargha, P. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  24. Periconceptional folic acid/multivitamin supplementation and twin pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Vargha, P. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  25. Hungarian cohort-controlled trial of periconceptional multivitamin supplementation shows a reduction in certain congenital abnormalities. Czeizel, A.E., Dobó, M., Vargha, P. Birth Defects Res. Part A Clin. Mol. Teratol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  26. Smoking and alcohol drinking during pregnancy. The reliability of retrospective maternal self-reported information. Czeizel, A.E., Petik, D., Puho, E. Cent. Eur. J. Public Health (2004) [Pubmed]
  27. A case-control teratological study of vaginal natamycin treatment during pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Kazy, Z., Vargha, P. Reprod. Toxicol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  28. A population-based case-control teratological study of vaginal econazole treatment during pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Kazy, Z., Vargha, P. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  29. Oral tinidazole treatment during pregnancy and teratogenesis. Czeizel, A.E., Kazy, Z., Vargha, P. Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet (2003) [Pubmed]
  30. Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation and multimalformed offspring. Czeizel, A.E., Medveczky, E. Obstet. Gynecol (2003) [Pubmed]
  31. A population-based case-control teratological study of oral nystatin treatment during pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Kazy, Z., Puhó, E. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. (2003) [Pubmed]
  32. Nitrofurantoin and congenital abnormalities. Czeizel, A.E., Rockenbauer, M., Sørensen, H.T., Olsen, J. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  33. A population-based case-control study of the safety of oral anti-tuberculosis drug treatment during pregnancy. Czeizel, A.E., Rockenbauer, M., Olsen, J., Sørensen, H.T. Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis. (2001) [Pubmed]
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