Jaklien C. Leemans
Department of Pathology
Academic Medical Center
University of Amsterdam
Name/email consistency: high
- The role of Toll-like receptor 2 in inflammation and fibrosis during progressive renal injury. Leemans, J.C., Butter, L.M., Pulskens, W.P., Teske, G.J., Claessen, N., van der Poll, T., Florquin, S. PLoS. ONE (2009)
- Mice overexpressing p40 in lungs have reduced leucocyte influx and slightly impaired resistance during tuberculosis. Leemans, J.C., Wieland, C.W., Florquin, S., van der Poll, T., Vervoordeldonk, M.J. Immunology (2006)
- Macrophages play a dual role during pulmonary tuberculosis in mice. Leemans, J.C., Thepen, T., Weijer, S., Florquin, S., van Rooijen, N., van de Winkel, J.G., van der Poll, T. J. Infect. Dis. (2005)
- Renal-associated TLR2 mediates ischemia/reperfusion injury in the kidney. Leemans, J.C., Stokman, G., Claessen, N., Rouschop, K.M., Teske, G.J., Kirschning, C.J., Akira, S., van der Poll, T., Weening, J.J., Florquin, S. J. Clin. Invest. (2005)
- CD44 is a macrophage binding site for Mycobacterium tuberculosis that mediates macrophage recruitment and protective immunity against tuberculosis. Leemans, J.C., Florquin, S., Heikens, M., Pals, S.T., van der Neut, R., Van Der Poll, T. J. Clin. Invest. (2003)
- Lipoteichoic acid and peptidoglycan from Staphylococcus aureus synergistically induce neutrophil influx into the lungs of mice. Leemans, J.C., Heikens, M., van Kessel, K.P., Florquin, S., van der Poll, T. Clin. Diagn. Lab. Immunol. (2003)
- Depletion of alveolar macrophages exerts protective effects in pulmonary tuberculosis in mice. Leemans, J.C., Juffermans, N.P., Florquin, S., van Rooijen, N., Vervoordeldonk, M.J., Verbon, A., van Deventer, S.J., van der Poll, T. J. Immunol. (2001)