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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Mitochondrial copper metabolism in yeast: interaction between Sco1p and Cox2p.

Yeast mitochondrial Sco1p is required for the formation of a functional cytochrome c oxidase ( COX). It was suggested that Sco1p aids copper delivery to the catalytic center of COX. Here we show by affinity chromatography and coimmunoprecipitation that Sco1p interacts with subunit Cox2p. In addition we provide evidence that Sco1p can form homomeric complexes. Both homomer formation and binding of Cox2p are neither dependent on the presence of copper nor affected by mutations of His-239, Cys-148 or Cys-152. These amino acids, which are conserved among the members of the Sco1p family, have been suggested to act in the reduction of the cysteines in the copper binding center of Cox2p and are discussed as ligands for copper.[1]


  1. Mitochondrial copper metabolism in yeast: interaction between Sco1p and Cox2p. Lode, A., Kuschel, M., Paret, C., Rödel, G. FEBS Lett. (2000) [Pubmed]
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