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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Design of an SHD-distributed database over IP to support telemedicine.

We have conducted tests utilizing superhigh-definition CRTs (hereafter, referred to as a "super high-definition image system," or " SHD ": 2,048 x 2,048 pixels, 24-bit RGB gradation, noninterlace system) for autonomous and distributed medical image database systems. The system is capable of providing six times the image definition of a hi-vision television (HDTV). The aim in designing and testing the system is to enable gigabit network connectivity while displaying images on a DOS- V machine. This paper discusses how we devised an integrated environment for managing and operating distributed an SHD image database to support Telemedicine linking with ATM, with INS-1500, and with dial-up IP connection.[1]


  1. Design of an SHD-distributed database over IP to support telemedicine. Juzoji, H., Nakajima, I., Hata, M., Tanabe, K. Journal of medical systems. (2001) [Pubmed]
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