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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

RACK1 inhibits the serum- and anchorage-independent growth of v-Src transformed cells.

Cancer cells are capable of serum- and anchorage-independent growth, and focus formation on monolayers of normal cells. Previously, we showed that RACK1 inhibits c-Src kinase activity and NIH3T3 cell growth. Here, we show that RACK1 partially inhibits v-Src kinase activity, and the serum- and anchorage-independent growth of v-Src transformed cells, but has no effect on focus formation. RACK1-overexpressing v-Src cells show disassembly of podosomes, which are actin-rich structures that are distinctive to fully transformed cells. Together, our results demonstrate that RACK1 overexpression in v-Src cells partially reverses the transformed phenotype of the cells. Our results identify an endogenous inhibitor of the oncogenic Src tyrosine kinase and of cell transformation.[1]


  1. RACK1 inhibits the serum- and anchorage-independent growth of v-Src transformed cells. Mamidipudi, V., Chang, B.Y., Harte, R.A., Lee, K.C., Cartwright, C.A. FEBS Lett. (2004) [Pubmed]
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