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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Efficient incorporation of human CD4 protein into avian leukosis virus particles.

Virus envelope (Env) proteins are thought to contain specific signals for selective uptake by virus particles. In the course of attempting to define these signals by testing virus incorporation of CD4-Env chimeric proteins, normal human CD4 was found to be efficiently and selectively assembled into avian leukosis virus particles in quail cells. Viruses bearing CD4 at their surface may be useful reagents in the design of retrovirus-mediated gene therapy for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.[1]


  1. Efficient incorporation of human CD4 protein into avian leukosis virus particles. Young, J.A., Bates, P., Willert, K., Varmus, H.E. Science (1990) [Pubmed]
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