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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Activated K-ras and N-ras oncogenes in primary renal mesenchymal tumors induced in F344 rats by methyl(methoxymethyl)nitrosamine.

Administration of methyl(methoxymethyl)nitrosamine to newborn Fischer 344 rats results in the preferential induction of renal tumors arising from the mesenchymal component of the kidney. DNA from a significant proportion of these tumors was capable of transforming NIH/3T3 cells. This report describes the renal tumor model, the detection of two different ras transforming genes in the kidney tumors (the N-ras oncogene in 1 and K-ras oncogene in 10 kidney tumors) and the characterization of DNA sequences specifying the transformed phenotype.[1]


  1. Activated K-ras and N-ras oncogenes in primary renal mesenchymal tumors induced in F344 rats by methyl(methoxymethyl)nitrosamine. Sukumar, S., Perantoni, A., Reed, C., Rice, J.M., Wenk, M.L. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1986) [Pubmed]
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