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Radiation Injuries

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Disease relevance of Radiation Injuries


High impact information on Radiation Injuries


Chemical compound and disease context of Radiation Injuries


Biological context of Radiation Injuries


Anatomical context of Radiation Injuries


Gene context of Radiation Injuries

  • This study investigated whether SC-'236, a selective inhibitor of COX-2, potentiates antitumor efficacy of radiation without increasing radiation injury to normal tissue [26].
  • Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) has been proposed to be critical in tissue repair mechanisms resulting from radiation injury [27].
  • To assess the role of 8-oxoguanine glycosylase (OGG1) in the cell defense against radiation injury, the radiation-induced cytotoxicities were compared between the mutant type KG-1 featuring a loss of OGG1 activity due to a homozygous mutation of Arg 229 Gln, and the wild type U937 [28].
  • Furthermore, MCF-7 cells underwent apoptosis in response to radiation injury, which was also reversed by CUGBP2 siRNAs [29].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The increase in the density of NPY-, SP- and TH-immunoreactive nerves in the irradiated bladders may be due to axonal sprouting which contributes to the symptoms of radiation injury [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Radiation Injuries


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