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Gene Review

pon  -  partner of numb

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG3346, Dmel\CG3346, PON, Pon
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High impact information on pon

  • Loss of pon function disrupts Numb localization in muscle progenitors and delays Numb crescent formation in neural precursors [1].
  • We propose that PON is one component of a multimolecular machinery that localizes Numb by responding to polarity cues conserved in neural precursors and epithelial cells [1].
  • PON is asymmetrically localized during mitosis and colocalizes with Numb [1].

Anatomical context of pon

  • Moreover, ectopically expressed PON responds to the apical-basal polarity of epithelial cells and is sufficient to localize Numb basally [1].

Other interactions of pon

  • Here we report the identification of a novel gene product, Partner of Numb (PON), based on its physical interaction with Numb [1].


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