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Gene Review

PC2  -  prohormone convertase 2 precursor

Ovis aries

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High impact information on PC2

  • In the neurointermediate lobe, POMC, PC1, and PC2 were ubiquitously expressed at all ages [1].
  • The present study was aimed at examining the expression and localization of the prohormone convertases, PC1 and PC2, in the pituitary of fetal sheep during the final weeks of gestation [1].
  • A weak PC2 hybridization signal was observed over a small number of unidentified phenotypes in the fetal AP at all ages examined; no POMC cells were found to contain PC2 hybridization signal [1].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PC2

  • Immunocytochemistry was also performed to assess coexpression of PC1 and PC2 with ACTH in the fetal pituitary [1].
  • Immunocytochemical analysis of PC1 and PC2 with ACTH confirmed the pattern of expression and the extent of coexpression observed with in situ hybridization methods [1].


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