MeSH Review:
Insect Viruses
- Systemic spread of an RNA insect virus in plants expressing plant viral movement protein genes. Dasgupta, R., Garcia, B.H., Goodman, R.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2001)
- Nucleotide sequence, temporal expression, and transcriptional mapping of the p34 late gene of the Hz-1 insect virus. Guttieri, M.C., Burand, J.P. Virology (1996)
- Sequence and analysis of the capsid protein of Nudaurelia capensis omega virus, an insect virus with T = 4 icosahedral symmetry. Agrawal, D.K., Johnson, J.E. Virology (1992)
- The gene organisation of a small RNA-containing insect virus: comparison with that of mammalian picornaviruses. Reavy, B., Moore, N.F. Virology (1983)
- Location, nucleotide sequence, and regulation of the p51 late gene of the hz-1 insect virus: identification of a putative late regulatory element. Guttieri, M.C., Buran, J.P. Virus Genes (2001)
- The use of ethylene oxide to inactivate insect viruses in insectaries. Tomkins, G.J., Cantwell, G.E. J. Invertebr. Pathol. (1975)
- Nucleotide sequence of a 5892 base pairs fragment of the LsMNPV genome and phylogenetic analysis of LsMNPV. Jin, T., Qi, Y., Liu, D., Su, F. Virus Genes (1999)