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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Comparison between one-session psychological treatment and benzodiazepine in dental phobia.

To compare the effects of a single session of psychological treatment and acute administration of benzodiazepine, 50 dental phobic patients were allocated either to psychological treatment, benzodiazepine, or no treatment for anxiety. Psychological treatment consisted of stress management training and imaginal exposure to phobic stimuli with homework assignments. Benzodiazepine was administered 30 min before dental treatment. Both treatment conditions led to less anxiety during dental surgery than did the control condition. Phobic patients in the benzodiazepine condition showed a relapse after dental treatment, whereas those in the psychological treatment condition showed further improvement until the follow-up 2 months later. Of the latter group, 70% continued dental treatment; only 20% and 10% returned in the benzodiazepine and control conditions, respectively.[1]


  1. Comparison between one-session psychological treatment and benzodiazepine in dental phobia. Thom, A., Sartory, G., Jöhren, P. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. (2000) [Pubmed]
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