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Dental Anxiety

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Disease relevance of Dental Anxiety

  • METHODS: The coping strategies were investigated using the Dental Cope Questionnaire (n = 597); the level of dental fear was assessed using the Children's Fear Survey Schedule (CFSS-DS); a question is asked whether a child had experienced pain at the dentist in the past and dental caries was assessed using the DMFS index [1].

Psychiatry related information on Dental Anxiety


High impact information on Dental Anxiety

  • The association between the odor of eugenol and dental fear and anxiety could be explained by the fact that eugenates (eugenol-containing cements) are often used in potentially painful restorative dentistry on vital teeth [3].
  • Increased salivary cortisol in severe dental anxiety [4].
  • Amnesic and anxiolytic effects of intravenous diazepam in dental anxiety [5].
  • Individuals with high dental fear had a statistically significantly higher number of decayed surfaces (DS), decayed teeth, (DT) and missing teeth (MT) but a statistically significantly lower number of filled surfaces (FS), filled teeth (FT), functional surfaces (FSS), and functional teeth (FST) [6].
  • Dental anxiety was assessed again a year later and patients were questioned about their dental attendance pattern (T3) [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of Dental Anxiety


Gene context of Dental Anxiety

  • A joint intake interview questionnaire and a dental anxiety scale explored the level, background and concomitant factors of dental anxiety among patients at the Universities of Tel Aviv (Israel), Goteborg (Sweden), and Pittsburgh (USA) [13].
  • The child dental patient. Part I. The nature and prevalence of children's dental fears [14].
  • Validation of a Facial Image Scale to assess child dental anxiety [15].
  • CONCLUSION: Past information may play only a minor role in affecting dental anxiety levels and behaviour of the child during dental treatment [16].
  • The results did not indicate any significant relationship between measures of dental anxiety and BII anxiety or BII avoidance [17].


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