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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

CSF antiretroviral drug penetrance and the treatment of HIV-associated psychomotor slowing.

The authors evaluated whether highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) with multiple CSF-penetrating drugs results in greater improvement in HIV-associated psychomotor slowing than HAART with a single CSF-penetrating drug. Both groups had improvement in CD4 count, plasma viral load, as well as two tests of psychomotor speed. Comparing the two groups, there were no differences in the mean change for CD4 count, viral load, or any of the neuropsychological tests. Multiple and single CSF-penetrating HAART may be equivalent for treating HIV-associated psychomotor slowing.[1]


  1. CSF antiretroviral drug penetrance and the treatment of HIV-associated psychomotor slowing. Sacktor, N., Tarwater, P.M., Skolasky, R.L., McArthur, J.C., Selnes, O.A., Becker, J., Cohen, B., Miller, E.N. Neurology (2001) [Pubmed]
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