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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Prions affect the appearance of other prions: the story of [PIN(+)].

Prions are self-propagating protein conformations. Recent research brought insight into prion propagation, but how they first appear is unknown. We previously established that the yeast non-Mendelian trait [PIN(+)] is required for the de novo appearance of the [PSI(+)] prion. Here, we show that the presence of prions formed by Rnq1 or Ure2 is sufficient to make cells [PIN(+)]. Thus, [PIN(+)] can be caused by more than one prion. Furthermore, an unbiased functional screen for [PIN(+)] prions uncovered the known prion gene, URE2, the proposed prion gene, NEW1, and nine novel candidate prion genes all carrying prion domains. Importantly, the de novo appearance of Rnq1::GFP prion aggregates also requires the presence of other prions, suggesting the existence of a general mechanism by which the appearance of prions is enhanced by heterologous prion aggregates.[1]


  1. Prions affect the appearance of other prions: the story of [PIN(+)]. Derkatch, I.L., Bradley, M.E., Hong, J.Y., Liebman, S.W. Cell (2001) [Pubmed]
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