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Gene Review

NEW1  -  New1p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: P1445, YPL226W
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High impact information on NEW1

  • Furthermore, an unbiased functional screen for [PIN(+)] prions uncovered the known prion gene, URE2, the proposed prion gene, NEW1, and nine novel candidate prion genes all carrying prion domains [1].
  • [PSI(+)] inducibility results from gain-of-function properties of New1p and Rnq1p aggregates rather than from inactivation of the normal proteins [2].
  • We used prion-forming domains from two budding yeast proteins (Sup35p and New1p) to examine the requirements for prion formation and inheritance [3].

Associations of NEW1 with chemical compounds

  • We find that the Gln/Asn-rich prion domains of two proteins, New1p and Rnq1p, can control susceptibility to [PSI(+)] induction as well as enhance aggregation of a human glutamine expansion disease protein [2].


  1. Prions affect the appearance of other prions: the story of [PIN(+)]. Derkatch, I.L., Bradley, M.E., Hong, J.Y., Liebman, S.W. Cell (2001) [Pubmed]
  2. Multiple Gln/Asn-rich prion domains confer susceptibility to induction of the yeast [PSI(+)] prion. Osherovich, L.Z., Weissman, J.S. Cell (2001) [Pubmed]
  3. Dissection and design of yeast prions. Osherovich, L.Z., Cox, B.S., Tuite, M.F., Weissman, J.S. PLoS Biol. (2004) [Pubmed]
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