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Development of clenbuterol reference materials: lyophilized bovine eye samples free of clenbuterol (CRM 673) and containing clenbuterol (CRM 674). Part 2: certification.

The certification by inter-laboratory testing of two candidate reference materials (RMs) for the mass concentration of the anabolic agent clenbuterol in bovine eye material is described: RM 674 with ca 10 microg clenbuterol per kg of eye matrix and RM 673 clenbuterol-free eye matrix as the negative control (<0.50 microg kg(-1)). Both candidate RMs were certified by eleven EU laboratories, and sixty-six accepted replicate measurements were included in the "Certification Study". The precision of the measurement process was assessed by calculation of the standard variation determined within each laboratory during the certification step. The study was performed according to the "Guidelines for the production and certification of BCR reference materials" and to "ISO guide 31, 33, and 35". The certified clenbuterol mass concentration for clenbuterol-free eye material CRM 673 (calculated on the basis of clenbuterol as the free base) was <0.50 microg kg(-1). The corresponding concentration for clenbuterol-containing eye material CRM 674 was 9.42 +/- 0.88 microg kg(-1). These certified values are very close to the desired target concentration of <0.5 microg kg(-1) and ca 10 microg kg(-1). This study has demonstrated that successful certification of clenbuterol-containing and clenbuterol-free bovine eye materials is possible.[1]


  1. Development of clenbuterol reference materials: lyophilized bovine eye samples free of clenbuterol (CRM 673) and containing clenbuterol (CRM 674). Part 2: certification. Pfaffl, M.W., van Ginkel, L.A., McEvoy, J.D., Maghuin-Rogister, G., Meyer, H.H. Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry. (2001) [Pubmed]
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