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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Nuclear retention of unspliced mRNAs in yeast is mediated by perinuclear Mlp1.

The molecular mechanism underlying the retention of intron-containing mRNAs in the nucleus is not understood. Here, we show that retention of intron-containing mRNAs in yeast is mediated by perinuclearly located Mlp1. Deletion of MLP1 impairs retention while having no effect on mRNA splicing. The Mlp1-dependent leakage of intron-containing RNAs is increased in presence of ts-prp18 delta, a splicing mutant. When overall pre-mRNA levels are increased by deletion of RRP6, a nuclear exosome component, MLP1 deletion augments leakage of only the intron-containing portion of mRNAs. Our data suggest, moreover, that Mlp1-dependent retention is mediated via the 5' splice site. Intriguingly, we found Mlp-proteins to be present only on sections of the NE adjacent to chromatin. We propose that at this confined site the perinuclear Mlp1 implements a quality control step prior to export, physically retaining faulty pre-mRNAs.[1]


  1. Nuclear retention of unspliced mRNAs in yeast is mediated by perinuclear Mlp1. Galy, V., Gadal, O., Fromont-Racine, M., Romano, A., Jacquier, A., Nehrbass, U. Cell (2004) [Pubmed]
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