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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Glycosidic monoterpenes from Linaria capraria.

During our systematic study on the species of genus Linaria (Scrophulariaceae) present in Italy, we examined the glycosidic fraction of Linaria capraria Moris et De Not., a species endemic of Tuscany archipelago. This fraction is particularly complex and we considered in this article only the medium polarity components. In accordance with previous studies, L. capraria shows acyl derivatives of antirrhinoside 1 as specific chemotaxonomic iridoidic markers. L. capraria exhibits a complex composition, with regard to iridoidic constituents, with several chromatographic problems to be resolved. We then isolated, besides the known antirrhinoside 1, two acyl derivatives of antirrhinoside, the 6'-O-senecioyl derivative, 2, and the 6'-O-angeloyl derivative, 3. In addition a glucoside of an acyclic monoterpene, 4, was also isolated, which may be correlated to the other monoterpenic glycosides isolated from other species of Scrophulariaceae.[1]


  1. Glycosidic monoterpenes from Linaria capraria. Bianco, A., Guiso, M., Ballero, M., Foddai, S., Nicoletti, M., Piccin, A., Serafini, M., Tomassini, L. Nat. Prod. Res. (2004) [Pubmed]
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