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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Human auditory evoked mismatch field amplitudes vary as a function of vowel duration in healthy first-language speakers.

Previous auditory studies demonstrated that vowel shortening elicited a more prominent mismatch component than its lengthening in event-related potentials ( ERP) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). Based on these findings, the current study investigated whether the magnetic mismatch field (MMF) component would be generated by vowel shortening of various degrees to determine a neuronal response threshold of pre-attentive deviation detection. Behavioral pre-test data revealed that while listening to Japanese short-duration (100%: reference), long-duration (180%), and other in-between duration-synthesized types, healthy native speakers of Japanese failed to clearly categorize 140-124% durations as either short or long words, while categorizing 108-116% durations as short words and 148-172% durations as long. Following these results, MEG responses were recorded with a whole-head 148-channel magnetometer, as subjects listened to 100% standard and five deviant durations (124, 132, 140, 148, 180%). MEG results showed that the above-32% duration decrements (180-->100%, 148-->100%) elicited a more prominent MMF than the others, the MMF amplitudes increasing linearly to the degree of duration deviance, and that neuronal responses correlated with behavioral word-categorization accuracy.[1]


  1. Human auditory evoked mismatch field amplitudes vary as a function of vowel duration in healthy first-language speakers. Inouchi, M., Kubota, M., Ohta, K., Shirahama, Y., Takashima, A., Horiguchi, T., Matsushima, E. Neurosci. Lett. (2004) [Pubmed]
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