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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Rapid skin edge elevation using the OCT compound droplet technique to obtain horizontal microsections in Mohs micrographic surgery.

We describe a technique to quickly raise the skin edges when mounting flat tissue specimens on cryostat discs used in Mohs micrographic surgery. The technique consists of placing a drop of OCT compound on the superficial surface of the tissue before the specimen is mounted bottom-side-up on the cryostat object disc. When the Mohs tissue layer is transferred to the disc, the droplet spreads out underneath the tissue to support the bottom and to prevent the skin edges from dropping below the horizontal plane of the tissue. This technique assures that the skin edge and bottom surface of the tissue are on the same plane so that a complete section of the undersurface of the flat specimen is taken when the tissue is cut with the microtome. The technique is relatively simple to perform, requires no special instrumentation, and provides consistent microsections with complete skin edge.[1]


  1. Rapid skin edge elevation using the OCT compound droplet technique to obtain horizontal microsections in Mohs micrographic surgery. Dogan, M.M., Snow, S.N., Lo, J. The Journal of dermatologic surgery and oncology. (1991) [Pubmed]
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