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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The sisterless-b function of the Drosophila gene scute is restricted to the stage when the X:A ratio determines the activity of Sex-lethal.

The gene scute ( sc) has a dual function: the scute function which is involved in neurogenesis and the sisterless-b function which is involved in generating the X:A signal that determines the state of activity of Sxl, a gene that controls sex determination and dosage compensation. We show here that the lethal phase of sc- females is embryonic and caused by the lack of Sxl function. We also analyze the time in development when sc and Sxl interact by means of (a) determining the thermosensitive phase (TSP) of the interaction between Sxl and sc and (b) a chimeric gene in which sc is under the control of a heat-shock promoter (HSSC-3). Pulses of sc expression from the HSSC-3 activate Sxl only at a very specific and early stage in development, which coincides with the TSP of the interaction between sc and Sxl. It corresponds to the syncytial blastoderm stage and coincides with the time when the X:A signal regulates Sxl. At this stage sc undergoes a homogeneous transient expression in wild-type flies. We conclude that the sc expression at the syncytial blastoderm is responsible for its sisterless-b function. Since sc expression from the HSSC-3 fully suppresses the sisterless-b phenotype, we further conclude that the sisterless-b function is exclusively provided by the sc protein. Finally, we have analyzed, by in situ hybridization, the effect of sc and sis-a mutations on the embryonic transcription of Sxl. Our results support the view that the control of Sxl by the X:A signal occurs at the transcriptional level.[1]


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