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Mass spectrometric identification and quantification of 5-methoxytryptophol in quail retina.

The occurrence of 5-methoxytryptophol (5-MTL) in the quail retina was investigated by capillary column gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry/selected ion monitoring using a deuterated internal standard. Based on ion intensity ratios in the mass spectra of pentafluoropropionyl and heptafluorobutyryl derivatives of 5-MTL and deuterated 5-MTL, 5-MTL was unequivocally identified in the quail retina. Similar to the circadian rhythm of retinal melatonin, retinal 5-MTL also exhibited a diurnal variation with high levels at mid-dark. However, no significant correlation between the diurnal levels of 5-MTL and melatonin was observed in the quail retina at mid-light or mid-dark.[1]


  1. Mass spectrometric identification and quantification of 5-methoxytryptophol in quail retina. Tsang, C.W., Chan, S.F., Lee, P.P., Pang, S.F. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1989) [Pubmed]
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