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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Acetabular fractures in children and adolescents.

A retrospective study of 23 acetabular fractures in patients up to 17 years of age is presented, with an average follow-up of eight years. Good or excellent functional results were achieved in 21 patients; radiographic results were good or excellent in 16. Conservative treatment gave consistently good results in fractures with minimal initial displacement, stable posterior fracture-dislocations and Salter-Harris type 1 and 2 triradiate cartilage fractures. Less favourable results were seen in type 5 triradiate cartilage fractures and in comminuted fractures, but operation was no better. Unstable posterior fracture-dislocations and irreducible central fracture-dislocations need operative treatment but the results may still be unsatisfactory.[1]


  1. Acetabular fractures in children and adolescents. Heeg, M., Klasen, H.J., Visser, J.D. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume. (1989) [Pubmed]
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