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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Stress-induced inhibition of reproductive functions: role of endogenous corticotropin-releasing factor.

In the adult castrated male rat, exposure to inescapable, intermittent electroshocks inhibited the pulsatile pattern of luteinizing hormone release and markedly lowered its plasma concentrations. The central administration of the corticotropin-releasing factor ( CRF) antagonist alpha-helical ovine CRF residues 9 to 41 reversed the inhibitory action of stress. Neither its peripheral injection, nor the intraventricular injection of the inactive CRF analog des-Glu to Arg ovine CRF was effective. These results suggest that endogenous CRF may mediate some deleterious effects of noxious stimuli on reproduction.[1]


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