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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Intramembranal events in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan in Gaffkya homari.

In order to monitor the intermediates involved in nascent peptidoglycan (PG) assembly in Gaffkya homari, a pulse/chase assay utilizing UDP-MurNAc-Ala-DGlu-Lys(N epsilon-Dns)-DAla-DAla [Dns (dansyl) = 5-(dimethylamino)naphthalene-1-sulfonyl] was devised. The perturbation introduced by the dansyl group provided a means for separating the synthesis of nascent PG into discrete stages. Together with paramagnetic quenching of the fluorophore by n-doxylstearic acids (n = 5, 7, 12, 16; doxyl = N-oxy-4',4'-dimethyloxazolidine), this assay allows one to observe the synthesis of undecaprenyl diphosphate-MurNAc-[N epsilon-Dns)pentapeptide)-GlcNAc and its utilization for the formation of dansyl-labeled PG by fluorescence emission and by change in specific positional quenching. The utilization of the dansylated lipid disaccharide-pentapeptide occurs without a lag, whereas the formation of the chromatographically immobile dansylated PG occurs with a lag of 4-6 min. Membrane-associated undecaprenyl diphosphate-MurNAc-(N epsilon-Dns)-pentapeptide was quenched primarily by 7-doxylstearate. In contrast, the fluorophore of the undecaprenyl diphosphate-MurNAc-[N epsilon-Dns)pentapeptide)-GlcNAc was quenched primarily by 5-doxyl- and 16-doxylstearates. In the chase phase of the assay, quenching by 16-doxylstearate decreased at a faster rate than that by 5-doxylstearate during the formation of dansyl-labeled PG.[1]


  1. Intramembranal events in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan in Gaffkya homari. Manteuffel, R.L., Neuhaus, F.C. Biochemistry (1987) [Pubmed]
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