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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A DNA sequence analysis package for the IBM personal computer.

We present here a collection of DNA sequence analysis programs, called "PC Sequence" ( PCS), which are designed to run on the IBM Personal Computer (PC). These programs are written in IBM PC compiled BASIC and take full advantage of the IBM PC's speed, error handling, and graphics capabilities. For a modest initial expense in hardware any laboratory can use these programs to quickly perform computer analysis on DNA sequences. They are written with the novice user in mind and require very little training or previous experience with computers. Also provided are a text editing program for creating and modifying DNA sequence files and a communications program which enables the PC to communicate with and collect information from mainframe computers and DNA sequence databases.[1]


  1. A DNA sequence analysis package for the IBM personal computer. Lagrimini, L.M., Brentano, S.T., Donelson, J.E. Nucleic Acids Res. (1984) [Pubmed]
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