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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A complex of rab3A, SNAP-25, VAMP/synaptobrevin-2 and syntaxins in brain presynaptic terminals.

Two monoclonal antibodies (SPM-1 and SPM-2) immunoprecipitate brain N-type calcium channels. On immunoaffinity chromatography of digitonin extracts of bovine brain membranes on SPM-1- and SPM-2-Sepharose, proteins of 36 (syntaxins A and B), 28 and 19 kDa are specifically retained by both columns. Here we show that the 19 and 28 kDa bands contain VAMP/synaptobrevin-2, and rab3A/smg25A and SNAP-25, respectively. Since SPM-1 and SPM-2 recognize only syntaxins and the 28 kDa band (rab3A/sm25A and SNAP-25), respectively, the results indicate that all these proteins form a complex. Our results suggest tight linkage between the components involved in neurotransmitter release.[1]


  1. A complex of rab3A, SNAP-25, VAMP/synaptobrevin-2 and syntaxins in brain presynaptic terminals. Horikawa, H.P., Saisu, H., Ishizuka, T., Sekine, Y., Tsugita, A., Odani, S., Abe, T. FEBS Lett. (1993) [Pubmed]
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