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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Retrospective clonal analysis of the cerebellum using genetic laacZ/lacZ mouse mosaics.

Analysis of lacZ neuronal clones in the mouse cerebellum demonstrates genealogical independence of the primary and secondary germinal epithelia (PGE and SGE) from early development. PGE precursors and their neuronal descendants are organised into two polyclonal groups of similar sizes that exhibit parasagittal patterning and generally respect the midline. The relationship between these two groups cannot be traced back in time to less than 80 independent cells, which were probably recruited following a period of non-coherent growth that distributes unrelated cells into distinct territories of the neural tube. A lateromedial clonal organisation is observed in the mature cerebellum, suggesting the existence of many small parasagittal domains of clonal restriction and/or of cell dispersion in the rostrocaudal but not in the mediolateral dimension. The organisation is orthogonal with respect to the cellular organisation in the neural tube as is the genetic organisation. Cellular and genetic patterning of the cerebellum therefore share similarities. A possible hypothesis is that distinct cell behaviours create the different clonal domains observed in this study and that the cellular and genetic organisation of the cerebellum are coordinated.[1]


  1. Retrospective clonal analysis of the cerebellum using genetic laacZ/lacZ mouse mosaics. Mathis, L., Bonnerot, C., Puelles, L., Nicolas, J.F. Development (1997) [Pubmed]
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