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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Genomic organization of the bovine aromatase encoding gene and a homologous pseudogene as revealed by DNA fiber FISH.

In cattle, the CYP19 locus comprises the aromatase cytochrome P450-encoding gene (CYP19) and a homologous pseudogene (CYP19P1). It has been assigned to chromosome region 10q26. Cloning of genomic DNA revealed that the CYP19 gene covers more than 56 kb. Its precise extent is still unknown because the DNA spanning the untranslated first exon 1.1 and the coding region (exons 2 to 10) have not been isolated. Furthermore, the chromosome arrangement of closely linked CYP19 and CYP19P1 was also not clear. To establish a high resolution physical map of the entire CYP19 locus, fluorescence in situ hybridization to extended bovine genomic DNA fibers (fiber FISH) was performed. The results demonstrate (1) that the clone containing exon 1.1 is located about 19 kb upstream from the CYP19 coding region. (2) Within the chromosome region 10q26 CYP19 and CYP19P1 are arranged "tail-to-head", being separated by a distance of about 24 kb between the labeled clones. (3) The physical size of the bovine CYP19 locus amounts to a minimum of 130 kb.[1]


  1. Genomic organization of the bovine aromatase encoding gene and a homologous pseudogene as revealed by DNA fiber FISH. Brunner, R.M., Goldammer, T., Fürbass, R., Vanselow, J., Schwerin, M. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. (1998) [Pubmed]
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