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Chemical Compound Review


Synonyms: CHEMBL576906
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Associations of Thiol with other chemical compounds

  • The majority of RNS-sensitive E. coli proteins differ from E. coli proteins that harbour H2O2-sensitive thiol groups, implying that reactive oxygen and nitrogen species affect distinct physiological processes in bacteria [1].
  • In vivo labeling of proteins with [(35)S]cysteine and nonreducing two-dimensional PAGE analyses revealed that a large subset of proteins previously identified as having redox-sensitive thiols are modified by cysteine in response to treatment with the thiol-specific oxidant diamide [2].
  • Thiol modification with polyethylene glycol-maleimide showed disulfide bond formation at the active site of TRP32 in cells exposed to As(III) [3].
  • C340A and C340S GALDH variants are insensitive toward thiol oxidation, but exhibit a poor affinity for l-galactono-1,4-lactone [4].


  1. Nitrosative stress treatment of E. coli targets distinct set of thiol-containing proteins. Brandes, N., Rinck, A., Leichert, L.I., Jakob, U. Mol. Microbiol. (2007) [Pubmed]
  2. S-cysteinylation is a general mechanism for thiol protection of Bacillus subtilis proteins after oxidative stress. Hochgräfe, F., Mostertz, J., Pöther, D.C., Becher, D., Helmann, J.D., Hecker, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2007) [Pubmed]
  3. Thioredoxin-related Protein 32 is an arsenite-regulated Thiol Reductase of the proteasome 19 S particle. Wiseman, R.L., Chin, K.T., Haynes, C.M., Stanhill, A., Xu, C.F., Roguev, A., Krogan, N.J., Neubert, T.A., Ron, D. J. Biol. Chem. (2009) [Pubmed]
  4. Galactonolactone dehydrogenase requires a redox-sensitive thiol for optimal production of vitamin C. Leferink, N.G., van Duijn, E., Barendregt, A., Heck, A.J., van Berkel, W.J. Plant Physiol. (2009) [Pubmed]
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