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Chemical Compound Review

Nitrogen     molecular nitrogen

Synonyms: Nitrogeno, Dinitrogen, Azote, Nitrogen-14, MOL Nitrogen, ...
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Disease relevance of Nitrogen

  • The soil-dwelling alpha-proteobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti engages in a symbiosis with legumes: S. meliloti elicits the formation of plant root nodules where it converts dinitrogen to ammonia for use by the plant in exchange for plant photosynthate [1].
  • Transport of basic amino acids by the dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120 [2].
  • Azotobacter vinelandii is an obligately aerobic bacterium in which aerotolerant dinitrogen fixation requires cytochrome bd [3].
  • One pathway, which is consistent with the available data and for which there is chemical precedence, is the reduction of nitrite and NO to nitroxyl (NOH or HNO), dimerization of free nitroxyl to a dinitrogen intermediate of short half-life, and dehydration of this intermediate to form N2O [4].
  • Photoreduction of dinitrogen by heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria is of great importance ecologically and for subsistence rice agriculture [5].

High impact information on Nitrogen

  • One set of these genes encodes the subunits of nitrogenase, the enzyme responsible for the reduction of atmospheric dinitrogen to ammonia, and another set consists of closely linked genes also essential for nitrogen fixation [6].
  • A tight metabolic association with rhizobial bacteria allows legumes to obtain nitrogen compounds by bacterial reduction of dinitrogen (N2) to ammonium (NH4+) [7].
  • These data indicate a severe relative phosphorus depletion in the Atlantic. We hypothesize that nitrogen versus phosphorus limitation of primary production in the present-day ocean may be closely linked to iron supply through control of dinitrogen (N2) fixation, an iron-intensive metabolic process [8].
  • Dinitrogen coordination chemistry: on the biomimetic borderlands [9].
  • Nitrogen Fixation Special Feature: Catalytic reduction of dinitrogen to ammonia at a single molybdenum center [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Nitrogen


Biological context of Nitrogen

  • The euryarchaeal nitrogen repressor NrpR controls the expression of the nif (nitrogen fixation) operon, resulting in full repression with ammonia, intermediate repression with alanine, and derepression with dinitrogen [16].
  • We have also performed an extensive analysis on the factors (side-on coordination of N(2) to two Zr centers, availability of the frontier orbitals with appropriate symmetry, and inflexibility of the catalyst ligand environment) that are required for successful hydrogenation of the coordinated dinitrogen [17].
  • A nitrosation mechanism is proposed, and the following conclusions are drawn: (i) Nitrosation reactions of amino acids with a primary amino group in acid media occur with dinitrogen trioxide as the main nitrosating agent [18].
  • The Mechanistically Significant Coordination Chemistry of Dinitrogen at FeMo-co, the Catalytic Site of Nitrogenase [19].
  • Their heterocysts must have a glycolipid envelope layer that limits the entry of oxygen if nitrogenase is to remain active to fix dinitrogen in an oxygen-containing milieu (the Fox+ phenotype) [5].

Anatomical context of Nitrogen


Associations of Nitrogen with other chemical compounds

  • The nitrogenase enzyme system catalyzes the ATP (adenosine triphosphate)-dependent reduction of dinitrogen to ammonia during the process of nitrogen fixation [22].
  • The methanogenic archaean Methanococcus maripaludis can use ammonia, alanine, or dinitrogen as a nitrogen source for growth [16].
  • Cyclopentadienyl substituent effects on reductive elimination reactions in group 4 metallocenes: kinetics, mechanism, and application to dinitrogen activation [23].
  • Preparation and molecular and electronic structures of iron(0) dinitrogen and silane complexes and their application to catalytic hydrogenation and hydrosilation [24].
  • After the enzyme has turned over in the presence of 2H2O, an additional set of protons are potentially available for exchange, namely those that can give rise to dihydrogen during enzyme turnover or generate the hydridic dinitrogen binding site; such exchangeable protons were not observed [25].
  • Beta-X elimination is found to be especially facile for X = O2CPh, and the reaction represents an attractive component of an overall synthetic cycle for incorporation of dinitrogen-derived nitrogen atoms into organic nitrile (R-C identical with N) molecules [26].
  • Both the absence of external nitrogen and the presence of L-norvaline, an inhibitor of Arg synthesis, prevented the synthesis of Arg in the ERM and resulted in decreased activity of arginase and urease in the AM root [27].
  • Adding NaCl to cells cultured under conditions in which Gln3-Myc13 is normally nuclear, i.e. proline-grown, nitrogen-starved, Msx-, caffeine-, and rapamycin-treated wild type cells, or ure2Delta cells, results in its prompt relocalization to the cytoplasm [28].
  • We found that, under nitrogen limitation, Ynt1 phosphorylation is essential for rapid induction of nitrate assimilation genes [29].
  • Nitrogen-doped titania nanosheets with visible light response were synthesized by exfoliating a layered titanate with homogeneous nitrogen doping [30].

Gene context of Nitrogen

  • The ntcA mutant was not able to grow with nitrate or atmospheric dinitrogen as the sole nitrogen source but could be grown on medium containing ammonium [31].
  • A second transcription start point for the argD gene that is not preceded by a sigma 70 consensus promoter was detected in dinitrogen-grown cultures [32].
  • Heterocyst development (which is necessary for the aerobic fixation of dinitrogen) and induction of hetR (a regulatory gene that is required for heterocyst development) were also impaired in the ntcA mutant [33].
  • In contrast, growth with dinitrogen as the sole nitrogen source results in nitrogen starvation, full expression of nif and glnA, and high activity of nitrogenase [34].
  • Identification of the nifJ gene coding for pyruvate: ferredoxin oxidoreductase in dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria [35].
  • In the nla mutant, the deletion of the RING domain from NLA altered its subcellular localization, disrupted the interaction between NLA and AtUBC8 and caused the early senescence phenotype induced by low inorganic nitrogen [36].
  • GlnR expression itself was shown to be nitrogen-dependent [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Nitrogen


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