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Chemical Compound Review

Triricinolein     2,3-bis[[(E)-12- hydroxyoctadec-9...

Synonyms: NSC-93749, NSC93749, AR-1L2120, AC1NT19R, AC1Q63DE, ...
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High impact information on NSC93749

  • Accordingly, the use of PRL in DIPE at a(w) 0.53 is considered optimal for the synthesis of 1,2(2,3)-diricinolein from triricinolein [1].
  • Moreover, this lipase showed the highest specificity for the studied reaction, i.e., high selectivity for the reaction with triricinolein but low for 1,2(2,3)-diricinolein [1].
  • Thus, the productions of these triacylglycerols in this relatively short incubation (30 min), as well as the availability of 2-oleoyl-PC in vivo, reflect the in vivo drive to produce triricinolein in castor bean [2].
  • C18 furanoid triacylglycerol [glycerol tri-(9,12-epoxy-9,11-octadecadienoate)] was prepared by chemical transformation of triricinolein isolated from castor oil [3].
  • The levels of TAG in castor oil are RRR (triricinolein) >> RR-TAG >> R-TAG > no R-TAG [4].


  1. Lipase-catalyzed methanolysis of triricinolein in organic solvent to produce 1,2(2,3)-diricinolein. Turner, C., He, X., Nguyen, T., Lin, J.T., Wong, R.Y., Lundin, R.E., Harden, L., McKeon, T. Lipids (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. Biosynthesis of triacylglycerols containing ricinoleate in castor microsomes using 1-acyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine as the substrate of oleoyl-12-hydroxylase. Lin, J.T., Woodruff, C.L., Lagouche, O.J., McKeon, T.A., Stafford, A.E., Goodrich-Tanrikulu, M., Singleton, J.A., Haney, C.A. Lipids (1998) [Pubmed]
  3. Chemical and enzymatic preparation of acylglycerols containing C18 furanoid fatty acids. Lie Ken Jie, M.S., Syed-Rahmatullah, M.S. Lipids (1995) [Pubmed]
  4. Molecular species of acylglycerols incorporating radiolabeled fatty acids from castor (Ricinus communis L.) microsomal incubations. Lin, J.T., Chen, J.M., Liao, L.P., McKeon, T.A. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2002) [Pubmed]
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