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Gene Review

Ift52  -  intraflagellar transport 52

Mus musculus

Synonyms: BC037708, Intraflagellar transport protein 52 homolog, NGD5, Ngd5, Protein NGD5
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Disease relevance of Ift52

  • A new cDNA clone, NGD5, has been identified from a subtraction cDNA library constructed with mRNA isolated from control neuroblastoma x glioma NG108-15 cells and cells treated for 48 h with the delta-opioid agonist, D-Ala2, D-Leu5 enkephalin (DADLE) [1].

High impact information on Ift52

  • In addition, we show that partial loss-of-function mutations in another mouse IFT gene, Ift52 (Ngd5), result in similar phenotypes and abnormal Hh signaling as Fxo, indicating a general requirement for IFT proteins in Hh signaling and patterning of multiple organs [2].
  • Two similar nearly full-length NGD5 clones, NGD5A and NGD5B, were isolated from a lambda gt10 NG108-15 cDNA library and sequenced [1].


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