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Gene Review

Nup153  -  nucleoporin 153

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: 153 kDa nucleoporin, Nuclear pore complex protein Nup153, Nucleoporin Nup153
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High impact information on Nup153

  • In characterizing the Nup153 complex, we find that Nup153 can bind to a complete import complex containing importin alpha, beta, and an NLS substrate, consistent with an involvement of this nucleoporin in a terminal step of nuclear import [1].
  • Thus, Nup153 and Tpr are major physiological binding sites for importin beta [1].
  • Importantly, analysis of extracts of isolated nuclei indicates that Nup153- and Tpr-importin beta complexes exist in assembled nuclear pores [1].
  • Using nitrocellulose-immobilized rat liver nuclear envelope proteins and nuclear import substrate as a ligand, we found Xenopus fraction A-dependent binding to at least three bona fide nucleoporins (Nup214, Nup153, and Nup98) and to a candidate nucleoporin with an estimated molecular mass of 270 kDa [2].


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