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Gene Review

vanH  -  vancomycin resistance protein VanH

Staphylococcus aureus

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High impact information on vanH

  • The vanH, vanA, and vanX genes of A. teichomyceticus were found to be organized in an operon whose transcription was constitutive [1].
  • The gene encodes a 36.7-kDa protein with homology to a family of bacterial NAD+-dependent, D-specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases which includes both D-lactate dehydrogenase and the enterococcal vancomycin resistance protein VanH and is therefore designated ddh [2].


  1. Resistance to glycopeptide antibiotics in the teicoplanin producer is mediated by van gene homologue expression directing the synthesis of a modified cell wall peptidoglycan. Beltrametti, F., Consolandi, A., Carrano, L., Bagatin, F., Rossi, R., Leoni, L., Zennaro, E., Selva, E., Marinelli, F. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (2007) [Pubmed]
  2. Overproduction of a 37-kilodalton cytoplasmic protein homologous to NAD+-linked D-lactate dehydrogenase associated with vancomycin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. Milewski, W.M., Boyle-Vavra, S., Moreira, B., Ebert, C.C., Daum, R.S. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1996) [Pubmed]
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