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Gene Review

Vm26Aa  -  Vitelline membrane 26Aa

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG9048, Dmel\CG9048, Protein SV17.5, Protein TU-2, TU-2, ...
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High impact information on Vm26Aa

  • Immunoelectron microscopy was used to follow the distribution of four different eggshell proteins in the assembling and mature eggshell. sV23 and sV17, follicle cell proteins synthesized during the early stages of eggshell formation (stages 8-10), were distributed within the vitelline membrane layer at all stages [1].
  • A putative chorion transcription factor 2 site is also associated with an upstream control element of VM26A.1, but not with any sequenced portion of VM34C.1 [2].


  1. Eggshell assembly in Drosophila: processing and localization of vitelline membrane and chorion proteins. Pascucci, T., Perrino, J., Mahowald, A.P., Waring, G.L. Dev. Biol. (1996) [Pubmed]
  2. Comparative analysis of the sequence and structure of two Drosophila melanogaster genes encoding vitelline membrane proteins. Scherer, L.J., Harris, D.H., White, M.K., Steel, L.F., Jin, J., Petri, W.H. Gene (1993) [Pubmed]
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