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Gene Review

Srp54  -  CG4602 gene product from transcript CG4602-RA

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG4602, Dmel\CG4602, SRp54, anon-EST:Liang-2.16, clone 2.16, ...
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High impact information on Srp54

  • We suggest that U2AF- and/or SRp54-mediated intron bridging may be an alternative early recognition mode to SF1-directed bridging for small introns, suggesting gene-specific early spliceosome assembly [1].
  • A role for SRp54 during intron bridging of small introns with pyrimidine tracts upstream of the branch point [1].
  • Results of indirect immunofluorescence experiments suggest that this protein, here designated p75, is primarily associated with puffed regions of larval salivary gland polytene chromosomes [2].
  • In nonpolytenized Schneider 2 tissue culture cells, p75 appeared to be localized throughout the nuclear interior during interphase [2].

Biological context of Srp54


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