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Gene Review

Slc12a2  -  solute carrier family 12...

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Bsc2, Nkcc1
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Disease relevance of Slc12a2

  • In the majority of animals AMPH evoked (30 min after administration) an increase in NKCC and LGL (NK) number accompanied by lymphopenia, neutrocytosis, monocytosis, and an increase in CORT level [1].

Psychiatry related information on Slc12a2

  • The results obtained indicate that AMPH can evoke an increase in NK-related cytotoxic activity quantitatively related to high behavioral reactivity to novelty and social dominance, however NKCC is not related to the AMPH-induced CORT changes [1].


  1. Effects of amphetamine on NK-related cytotoxicity in rats differing in locomotor reactivity and social position. Wrona, D., Sukiennik, L., Jurkowski, M.K., Jurkowlaniec, E., Glac, W., Tokarski, J. Brain Behav. Immun. (2005) [Pubmed]
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