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Cyclothymic Disorder

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Psychiatry related information on Cyclothymic Disorder

  • Therapeutically important research has focused on dysthymic disorder and its relationship to major depressive disorder, while cyclothymic disorder is relatively neglected; nonetheless, operationalized as a subaffective dimension or temperament, cyclothymia appears to be a likely precursor or ingredient of the construct of bipolar II disorder [1].

High impact information on Cyclothymic Disorder

  • Patients scoring 8 or above on the chronic anxiety scale fell into two categories, those who had a low impulisivity score and responded to tricyclic antidepressants and those who had a high impulsivity score, responded to lithium, and had cyclothymic disorder or emotionally unstable character disorder [2].


  1. Dysthymia and cyclothymia: historical origins and contemporary development. Brieger, P., Marneros, A. Journal of affective disorders. (1997) [Pubmed]
  2. Subtypes of depression identified by the KDS-3A: a pilot study. Wold, P.N., Dwight, K. The American journal of psychiatry. (1979) [Pubmed]
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