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Polycythemia Vera

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High impact information on Polycythemia Vera

  • KMOE -2/05 cells, derived from a patient with acute erythremia, became benzidine-positive after the addition of cytosine arabinoside (CA) [1].
  • RESULTS: Fifty-three patients met the criteria of M6a subtype of the WHO classification, and 2 were classified as having pure erythremia (M6b); 7 cases could not be classified according to the WHO criteria [2].
  • Captopril induces correction of postrenal transplant erythremia [3].


  1. Synthesis of adult-type hemoglobin in human erythremia cell line. Kaku, M., Yagawa, K., Nakamura, K., Okano, H. Blood (1984) [Pubmed]
  2. Acute erythroid neoplastic proliferations. A biological study based on 62 patients. Domingo-Claros, A., Larriba, I., Rozman, M., Irriguible, D., Vallespí, T., Aventin, A., Ayats, R., Millá, F., Solé, F., Florensa, L., Gallart, M., Tuset, E., Lopez, C., Woessner, S. Haematologica (2002) [Pubmed]
  3. Captopril induces correction of postrenal transplant erythremia. Islam, M.S., Bourbigot, B., Codet, J.P., Songy, B., Fournier, G., Cledes, J. Transpl. Int. (1990) [Pubmed]
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