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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cloning and characterization of murine Aqp5: evidence for a conserved aquaporin gene cluster.

Aquaporin 5 ( Aqp5), a member of the aquaporin family of membrane water channels, is thought to modulate the osmolality of fluids in the eye, lung, and salivary gland. Here, we report the cloning and genomic characterization of murine Aqp5 and its expression in relevant mouse tissues. This gene, comprised of four exons encoding 265 amino acids (121, 55, 28, and 61 amino acids respectively), is transcribed into an approximate 1.8-kb mRNA detected in lung, parotid, submandibular, sublingual, and lacrimal tissues. Aqp5 encodes a protein that is 98% identical to rat Aqp5. An Aqp5 antibody detects an approximately 27-kDa protein band in mouse lung, and an additional 29 kDa band in salivary gland. Cloning and physical mapping genomic fragments contiguous with Aqp5 revealed two other members of the aquaporin family: Aqp2 and Aqp6, arrayed head to tail in the order Aqp2- Aqp5-Aqp6, and provides evidence of a gene cluster conserved in order and orientation in both mice and humans.[1]


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