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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cultured rat microglia express functional beta-chemokine receptors.

We have investigated the functional expression of the beta-chemokine receptors CCR1 to 5 in cultured rat microglia. RT-PCR analysis revealed constitutive expression of CCR1, CCR2 and CCR5 mRNA. The beta-chemokines MCP-1 (1-30 nM) as well as RANTES and MIP-1alpha (100-1000 nM) evoked calcium transients in control and LPS-treated microglia. Whereas, the response to MCP-1 was dependent on extracellular calcium the response to RANTES was not. The effect of MCP-1 but not that of RANTES was inhibited by the calcium-induced calcium release inhibitor ryanodine. Calcium responses to MCP-1- and RANTES were observed in distinct populations of microglia.[1]


  1. Cultured rat microglia express functional beta-chemokine receptors. Boddeke, E.W., Meigel, I., Frentzel, S., Gourmala, N.G., Harrison, J.K., Buttini, M., Spleiss, O., Gebicke-Härter, P. J. Neuroimmunol. (1999) [Pubmed]
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