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Postpericardiotomy syndrome during intensive immunosuppression after cardiac transplantation.

A 15-year-old man with end-stage heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy, underwent heart transplantation. In the second postoperative week, while being treated with monoclonal antibodies (OKT3), cyclosporine and azathioprine, he developed a postpericardiotomy syndrome and cardiac tamponade, which necessitated emergency pericardiocentesis. Corticosteroids, administered according to the immunosuppression protocol, resulted in the prompt subsidence of the syndrome. This is the first report of a large pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade due to a postpericardiotomy syndrome in an adult cardiac recipient.[1]


  1. Postpericardiotomy syndrome during intensive immunosuppression after cardiac transplantation. Charitos, C.E., Kontoyannis, D.A., Nanas, J.N. Acta cardiologica. (2000) [Pubmed]
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